Victoria Hanna, voice artist

Omri Mor, piano

Yaara Nirel – design and video editing

A journey through the mythology of Israel on the eve of its founding.

A fascinating musical meeting between the international voice artist Victoria Hanna and the gifted pianist Omri Mor. The two will perform songs from before the establishment of Israel, alongside well-known songs and songs that have been forgotten.

Throughout the show, archival historic films will be shown, along with slides and lyrics of the songs inspired by communal singing. The show bravely examines those times through the reflection of our current times—what did the settling pioneers in Israel write, sing, and dream about? What did they experience and what were their hopes?

“Makom Ne’elam” is a musical-artistic journey through time, combining the human voice, piano, and video work.

120 NIS / 100 NIS