No matter who is your health provider, you’ve never had an appointment like this with a family doctor.

Witty stories from a family doctor are combined with the wonderful music of Matti Caspi, Arik Einstein, Shlomo Artzi, Chopin, Rona Kenan, The Beatles, Brahms, Sting, and many more.


Dr. Noam Friedman – family physician, cello, and presentation

Itay Tsadok – piano and arrangements

Tal Eyal – percussion

In a show with stories, rhythmic music, and lots of humor.

And all this without asking: “Excuse me, who’s last in line?”

Guest ensemble: “Hakol Dvash“, directed by Itay Tsadok.


Ticket price: 75 NIS in advance sale!!!! 85 NIS on the day of the show at the box office

צילום: קיקי רוטשטיין